Plugin Configuration

After you download the zip file of Fire Notifications, you can upload directly to the WordPress dashboard.

Prepare CLoud Messaging Credentials

You can get it by logging into Project Settings > Cloud Messaging


Cloud Messaging

Then you enter the information in WordPress Dashboard: Fire Notifications > General


General information

Prepare Firebase Credentials

Before using the plugin, we need have the credentials from Firebase Console. You can get it by logging into


Firebase Credentials

Then you enter the information in WordPress Dashboard: Fire Notifications > Firebase


Firebase Credentials

Update Firestore Security Rules

The notifications mechanism relies on Firestore, in order to keep track of your web clients subscription. Please add this rule to your Firestore.

match /wpTokens/{token} {
    allow write: if true;

After you finish all the configuration, the next step is to install cloud functions, so you web clients can receive notifications.